Sunday, January 19, 2014

I've got alot of catching up to do when it comes to writing to you!  You are so easy going and stubborn at the same time.  So darn cute.  So insistent on what you know and what you want.  You have mastered walking.  Kinda.  You're still pretty stagger-y, and so funny.  You charm everyone you come into contact with.  Daddy is your favorite.  Nana, too.  And man, you can snuggle like I can't belive sometimes.  :)  You make everyone feel so loved and wanted.  When you're shy you snuggle in close and won't look at whoever is trying to say hi.  Your smile is all teeth.  So rediculously cute.  Sometimes I just call you "Teeth."  Your dad and I always marvel at how cute you are and why your teeth are so seriously cute.  Today you would yell "Hi" to yourself in the mirror and then crack yourself up laughing.  So funny.  Every time I hold you to snuggle you before putting you to sleep, I can't get enough of your fuzzy hair, your soft body, your snuggly little self.  You're just such a perfect little person.  I can't wait to know you more!